Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It just looks like an ordinary bunch of balloons, but nothing is ordinary when it comes to my daughter.....

Thank you Aunt Pattie for sending my Daddy such fun balloons!!!! I love them!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day

Molly had a great St. Patrick's Day, her new baby cousin Brady was up visiting for the weekend
and she loved giving him kisses on the head!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Erin Go Braugh

The Irish Princess Molly Rose is loving her new crown. She even sat through dinner with it on last night. Tonight she wore it out when we went to the Chinese food restaurant. She even tried to take it to bed with her. Who knew she would love it sooo much. Her daddy also recently taught her to say Erin Go Braugh...which she loves to say!

Monday, March 10, 2008

No place is sacred

So while sitting in church yesterday, watching the choir practice I noticed that Mad Molly is frantically waving her arms all around. And then I figured out that she is copying the conductor of the choir. Which only got worse when we had to walk up for communion right, and of course the line pauses so that I am holding her right behind him and it was clear to the whole congregation what she was doing. Lovely, not even church is safe from her antics! At least it gave some people a good laugh in church.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Did I just hear that???

So this morning I was laying in bed listening to my daughter play in her crib and talk to herself when all of a sudden I had to stop and listen first I couldn't believe it but then I had to acknowledge that it was true. My darling Mad Molly was standing in her crib calling me by my first name to come get her out of her crib. What a little stinker! I continued to listened to her until she gave up and reverted back to "Mommy, down" and then I went in to get her. As my grandmother used to say "Molly, you're too much"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Calgon...take me away

Today was just one of those days...thank Goodness for Motrin. Mad Molly is truly mad today. Her molars are coming in and boy does that make her cranky. I feel so bad for her because there is not much I can do to help her, but in her fun loving way she still managed to have some fun today. Given only a few minutes in Daddy's office..this is what she discovered she can do.....

Monday, March 3, 2008

Simply fun

Publish Post

Sometimes a little bit of water can be lots of fun!!!

Mad Molly meets Mr. Mike

Molly and her best bud Grace went to go see Mr. Mike the Music Man. These two girls loved dancing to Mr. Mike's silly songs. I'm not sure Mr. Mike's show will ever be the same!!!