Thursday, September 24, 2009

Halloween, Oh Halloween

So recently the topic of Halloween came up with Mad Molly, who completely remembers dressing up as a bee for Halloween last year. (her recall skills are outstanding, much to my dismay). Anyway, Mad Molly briefly decides she wants to be Ming Ming Duck (her favorite character from her new top show Wonder Pets) Ming Ming for you who don't know is a 3 year old duck who wears a flying bomber hat and goggles), thankfully this request was short lived and she moved on to and has pretty much stuck with wanting to be a Butterfly! Until now.... the other day I started making a Halloween costume for my goddaughters Grace and Emma who are going to be adorable Candy Corn Witches. Mad Molly asks me what I'm doing and I tell her I'm making a Halloween costume for Grace, to which she says, I want one ... puzzled I ask her you want to be a witch like Grace? and our conversation went like this
Mad Mommy: You want to be a Witch like Grace
Mad Molly : Yup, you make me one like Grace
Mad Mommy: Ok, I'll make you a witch costume for Halloween
Mad Molly: Nope a butterfly
Mad Mommy: You want me to make you a butterfly costume
Mad Molly: Yup, just like Grace you make me one
Mad Mommy: Oh, you want mommy to make you a butterfly Costume
Mad Molly: No, you make me just like Grace
Mad Mommy: So you want to be a witch
Mad Molly: No a butterfly
Mad Mommy: you want to be a butterfly
Mad Molly: No like Grace
Mad Mommy: ?????????

if anyone can figure out a way out of this loop, please let me know because our Halloween debate (which by the way she thinks "Halloween" is a person) continues and I have no idea what she will actually be for Halloween!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why do I ask why???

This evening before getting ready for bed Mad Molly was strangely quiet and absent from the living room where she had previously been playing with Wild Man Will. Mad Mommy went looking for her and found her in the kitchen sitting on the floor, with her sock off, pulling her toes apart scratching in between her toes. The conversation went like this:
Mad Mommy: What are you doing sweetpea?
Mad Molly: I'm getting it out ...(what that "it" is, your guess is as good as mine but I continue anyway)
Mad Mommy: Why are you doing that?
Mad Molly: So I get the dirt and keep them
Mad Mommy: You are getting the dirt out of your toes and going to keep it????
Mad Molly: Yyyyeeessss I am!
Mad Mommy: Okay then!

(on a side note: she got out of the bath about a half hour before this so what dirt she is collecting from her toes is beyond me, but now that I think about it since there was no dirt this activity of looking for dirt could have occupied her for hours...darn it all I blew that one!!)

Friday, September 11, 2009


At dinner tonight, Mad Molly (dressed in an adorable red dress) proudly announces "I'm no wearing pants, pullups, panties, or nothing!" Mad Mommy "you're not wearing any panties" Mad Molly "Nope, nothing!" Mad Mommy "Thanks for sharing" and we all eat dinner!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Uh-Oh...What happened???

Last week, while playing in the backyard on an absolutely perfect afternoon Mad Molly starts jumping around saying "Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh, what happened???" "Momma, what happened?" to which I say, "I don't know Molly, what happened?" to which she replies "I don't know Momma, where did all the clouds go?" puzzled by her question, I looked up to notice a beautiful clear blue sky and realized this is probably the first time Mad Molly (who happens to LOVE clouds) has noticed that some days there are no clouds. She was much confused by this, and continues "Does Nana and Grandpa have our clouds?" To which I say "why yes, yes that is exactly where the clouds are" "Momma, can we call Grandpa and tell him to send us the clouds?" Sure Mad Molly, why not. So we do, we get Nana on the phone who promises to have Grandpa send back the clouds! What a great Nana!!! A few hours later we are out running errands and Mad Molly shouts "They're here! They're here!" "Grandpa send the clouds!" And all was right in Mad Molly's world...or so I thought ..... until she adds! "But they're not at our house yet" Ohhh Mad Molly!!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Playground talk

The other day I took Mad Molly and her bestest friend Gleeful Grace to the playground. The two made friends with another little girl and spent most of their in a little playhouse. Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace had taken off their sandals and were asked to put them back, in the process of doing so they both put them on the wrong feet (which in our world is a daily occurance). The third little girl says to her two new friends ...

Litte Girl: "my brother puts his shoes on his feet backwards all the time, he's 3 and my dad yells at him"

Mad Molly: "oh, my mommy gets angry and yells"

Gleeful Grace: "my mommy says I love you"

Monday, August 17, 2009


So one should know by now, it's never good for Mad Mommy when Mad Molly says.."Momma close your eyes", but I can hop right!!!
At naptime, (and I use that term loosely, since more than not lately it's run around like mad and yell down the stairs to Mommy time rather than sleep peacefully and nap time) but I digress, recently we have used a timer to let Molly know when she is finished being upstairs and can come back downstairs....Yesterday it worked like a charm! Today however was a different story! She was so excited to go upstairs and "nap" until the timer went off, instructing me on exactly which timer to set and where to place it so she will hear it when it goes off. However just when I sat down on the couch and gave a sigh of relief at the peace that was my house, I hear little footsteps descending the stairs, a tell tale squeaky door knob turn and the immortal words of Mad Molly "Momma, close your eyes, I have a surprise to you" Curious to see what this surprise was and not wanting to crush her enthusiasm I played along and close my eyes. A few minutes later I hear "Ok, Open your eyes, SURPRISE!!! Now you can help me put it together" to which I find Mad Molly holding a put together Lego-esk Elmo figurine. So I say to her, "hey, wait a surprise is I get to put your toy together when you are supposed to be upstairs napping" through much giggles she replies "ummm, yes!"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mad Molly's deal..

Yesterday while cleaning up the kitchen I hear a loud proclamation coming from the corner of the kitchen, I look up to see Mad Molly standing on a spare car seat annoying " I am Molly and this is my deal....." then she would start over and say it again...and I couldn't help but think to myself... Man would I love to know what your "deal" is some days! Ahhh but no such luck, I guess she is keeping that to herself for a while longer!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mad Molly gets ready for the stage!!

What stage that is...I'm not yet sure! Her father and I were sitting in the living room catching up on the days happenings and ironing out a few scheduling details when Mad Molly busts out in song (what song she is singing or what language it is in for that matter is your guess as good as mine) but I digress.....shortly after her song ends she asks if I liked that, to which I replied "yes Molly, it was wonderful" with a brief which she replied........

where does she come up with this stuff?!?!?!?!?!

What Mad Molly does for fun!!!

this is one of those times I wish I left the camera rolling for about 30 seconds longer.... she stopped twirling and inevitably did the drunken stumble and took a good spill on the floor.. to which she commented "Whoa!!!!"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mad Molly greets the morning

So after a good 15 minutes of shouting at the top of her lungs "Momma, I'm awake" from the top of the stairs, Mad Mommy reluctantly gets out of bed and goes to get Mad Molly from her room and this is the conversation we had...
Mad Molly: Momma, I'm awake!
Mad Mommy: Yes Molly, I know
Mad Molly: Momma, are you awake
Mad Mommy: (in a not so much awake voice) Yes I'm awake
Mad Molly: Are you a little bit awake or a lot awake?
Mad Mommy: I'm a little bit awake
Mad Molly: Oh, I'm a lot awake
Mad Mommy: Yes, I know the whole neighborhood knows your a lot awake
Mad Molly: Yeah, they do

and thus begins our day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mad Molly offers peace!

And not with her Mad Mommy though.. just to everyone else around her.... as of late Mad Molly has become enthralled with offering the sign of peace to everyone!!! She LOVES it! On a recent trip to NY she was saying good night to her cousins and shook their hands and then cracked up saying "I did peace be with yous"~ Well this Sunday was the icing on the peace be with you cake! Ahh the Pentecost. Not only did Mad Molly start asking about when it was going to be time to do peace be with yous as we were entering our pew, but the Gospel reading and Sermon were both about filled with references to Jesus (another Mad Molly fav) offering peace to the apostles and how we should in turn offer peace to others around us! She was ecstatic. While we were standing and I was holding her she taps me on the shoulder and I kid you not says to me "OK momma, ready, you peace the boy and I peace the girl" (referring to the elderly couple standing in the pew in front of us) Good thing they got a kick out of it too! Seriously, when is this kid taking her show on the road!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mad Molly does Magic!

Truly the title should read Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace do magic because she was not alone in her first attempt to perform magic but more about that later... for now.. let me set the stage for you! Towards the end of a birthday barbeque for Mad Molly's Auntie, pajamas had been put on and good byes are being said before a car ride back home and bed time. Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace are out on the newly redone back deck saying their good nights to Grandma Terri and Grandpa Gene when all of a sudden two super excited bouncing little girls come bounding into the living room and in their best toddler excited speak tell me to come with them to see the magic surprise and in my best Mad Mommy thinking I grab the camera along the way and here you go!


Apparently while Mad Mommy was inside gathering all scattered belongings, Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace was outside and stumbled upon a piece of cardboard which they pushed down between the floor boards of the porch. Grand Uncle Grant went under the porch to retrieve said piece of cardboard when up above he heard talks of "magic" and said cardboard only if he had made it back up on top of the deck to see the magic happen.....hmmm I wonder where that Grand Uncle Grant wondered off to! I guess it's a good thing we recorded it so he wouldn't miss out ;) Thanks to Grand Uncle Grant and Grandpa Gene for such magical memories!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mad Molly Goes Green

So recently we returned back from a week on Long Island visiting family. And Mad Mommy felt the kids and I needed a whole day to spend at home and readjust to home routines. Wild Man Will took full advantage of this day to take long lazy naps and enjoying his crib leaving Mad Mommy and Mad Molly plenty of one on one time together....sometimes too much time together, but that is a story for another time....we spent our morning gardening and replanting some flowers, of which Mad Molly decided to re replant the the flowers we just replanted. Fun Fun! Thankfully her Auntie Shel suggested Mad Molly would love a "garden" all her own! To which I thought BRILLANT!!! Let the fun begin! We first busted out some paints and she painted her very own pot! Then we took a little trip to the nursery or "flower farm" as Mad Molly refers to it and picked out some plants to add to her "garden" Then we came home and planted them. Next and certainly not least Mad Molly watered them......and watered them....and watered them! They will certainly not lack moisture!!!! Now we will sit back and wait. I will chronicle for your Mad Molly's adventures as she enters into the world of gardening this summer! Mad Molly loves her garden and is eager to see what color the fruits of her labor will be!

Mad Mommy gets caught up

So you are all going to have to forgive me, but it's been a crazy crazy few months around here, sickness has plagued our house along with the every day insanity of life with two children..So I'm playing catch up today! First I would like to share a little story with you from last week. Mad Molly has recently had an interest in wearing pull ups (not that she is using the potty) she just likes wearing the pull ups and Mad Mommy is OK with that since I'm all done with the WAR that is the changing of the diaper. So Independent Mad Molly was successfully putting her pull up on by herself, I watched her to make sure she had it on the right way and was able to pull it up most of the way, so after I determined she was good I left the room, only to hear grunts of distress and frustration from Mad Molly. I look back into the living room, where she is putting on her pull up to see her bent over, looking at her pull up, tugging at the front of it saying "oh No Help Me, they upside down they upside down" It gave me a good laugh and I discovered it's impossible to explain to a 2 year old that it's not the characters that are upside but she that is looking at them upside down!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mad Molly gets in touch with Nature

My deepest apologizes for the interlude from the chronicles, but Mad Mommy has spent several weeks recovering from surgery, but rest assured, there has not been a stop in action around here. While Mad Mommy was off her feet healing, Nice Nana came for a visit to help out with the kids, help Mad Mommy recover and man the house while Darling Daddy was away on a business trip. For weeks now, Mad Molly has been begging to be a "buzz buzz bee" (her halloween Costume) So on the saturday morning in which Darling Daddy was to return from his trip, Mad Molly ever so sweetly walks quietly to my side and says "excuse me momma" I should have known then she was up to no good. "yes, my dear" "May I be a buzz buzz bee please?" to which I said "sure". Since it was 7:30 in the morning she still had her purple snowman pajamas on, over which went the Halloween Bee Costume, on top of which she adds a St. Patrick's Day necklace and whaaaa laaa she is ready!!! So was Beaming with Glee!!!!! At approximately, 8:55 am (still wearing the bee costume) Mad Molly asks me....."Momma, can I go outside and say Buzz Buzz to tree??" which I say when Daddy comes home you can ask him to take you outside......not knowing Daddy's flight came in much much earlier than sooner are the words out of my mouth does Darling Daddy pull into the driveway..greeted at the front door with Mad Molly asking to go outside to say buzz buzz to the tree!!! Of course, Daddy says yes, how can one say no to a little girl dressed to celebrate three holidays at once!!! He puts down his bag and starts to head to the back door, "No No Daddy, this way" as she heads to the front door....he tries unsuccessfully to get her to go in the high fenced in back yard. So there they are Saturday Morning, 9:20 in the morning twirling in the front yard, with Mad Molly say "buzz buzz tree buzz buzz" What makes this even more priceless is that not only did Daddy have to say Buzz Buzz to the tree as well, but our normally lazy quiet sleeping in Saturday morning neighbors were all out and about on this particular morning!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mad Molly the gymnist

This afternoon we got a call from Auntie Shel telling us to put on Ch 7...Mad Molly and I flip the television on over to see two of her favorite sports combined into one skating and gymnastics!!!! It was the Skating/Gymnastics Spectacular! At first I wasn't sure what she thought of it but as the first commercial came on she turned to me, smiled and asked for more nastics! (Molly speak for Gymnastics) Ahhh the dilemma of a child growing up in the tivo era...she doesn't know what to do with the commericals. I quickly tell her that it will be back on in a which she gets off my lap, gets the remote, hands it to me and says.."more nastics" needless to say she was a little sad when another commercial came the next commercial she hopped off my lap again and began twirling around the living room.....I'm thinking floor routine?! enjoy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh My My Mad Molly

So this morning, while I was giving Mr. William a bottle, Mad Molly took it upon herself to open the door to upstairs and go upstairs to play. She knows that she is not supposed to come downstairs without telling me and waiting for me to come supervise her coming down. So when I heard her walking around upstairs I yelled up "Molly are you upstairs?" to which her response was "I ready to come downstairs" so I went to the bottom of the stairs to scold her for going upstairs without asking and found this looking back down at me. Yup that's right, she striped down, took off her diaper, found a Mickey Mouse hat and was ready to come downstairs...where she thought she was going dressed (or not) like that is beyond me!