Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mad Molly vs. Mad Mommy

The score now stands as
Mad Molly and her insane bedtime antics = 0
Mad Mommy and her bedtime routine = 1
Total Game time: 1 hrs 45 minutes
Game Over...Mommy wins

(Toddler Bed time antics include but were not limited to: jumping on the bed, hanging upside down off the edge of bed, climbing on top of night stand, hanging from shades, climbing on rocker, rolling on floor, kicking baby gate cleverly keeping said toddler in her room, throwing things out of room, singing, kissing and hugging all stuffed animals, laughing, calling mad mommy by first name, etc, etc, etc.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mad Molly vs. The Toddler Bed

After many recent attempts at climbing out of our crib and many many many episodes of getting her legs caught in her crib, we broke down and made the decision that she had to go into a toddler bed, she is just too small not to get hurt climbing out of her bed. Thankfully today was the day it arrived since I caught her balancing on the top rail of her crib this afternoon instead of napping. So tonight after two crying fits, two sessions of Mommy carrying her back to her bed to go back to sleep, one baby gate to keep her in her room, one Mommy meltdown (thank you to a dear friend for talking me off the ledge) and 45 minutes of sticking it out, we have success. Mad Molly has given in and is enjoying the peace of the toddler bed experience.

hmm, this is cool, I can get down by myself
Wait a we're talking serious stuff here, Lambie has arrived, what's going on here????
Ahh the bed (and Mommy) have finally won!!!!!!!!!!

Mad Molly vs. the Potty

so we got Mad Molly a potty since she has shown such and interest in it at Grace's house. However in our house it is just a vehicle for her to put toys in and push around the house, currently she is ticked because the potty doesn't fit under the bookshelf..what can I do with that???? She's a nut

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mad Molly Moves Catch on!!!

So the other day Mad Molly is dinning on lunch with her BFF Grace. Grace leans way across the table and motions for Molly to give her a high five. Molly happily smacks hands and says "five". In all her excitment of the high five, Molly didn't even notice Grace reach down and swipe her french fries on the way back across the table to sit down. Many props to Grace, that's a mad molly move if I ever saw one!!!! I suppose it's payback for all the times Molly has taken toys from Grace.

Mad Molly goes to Washington DC

We've been gone for a few days on a business trip with Daddy to Washington DC. Molly had a fantastic time. I'm not sure DC will be the same after Molly and the Pope visit at the same time!!!
Here are some of our favorite pictures.
She's a seasoned flyer now!!!
The 1st thing she did was take over the bed
Thanks Uncle Rob for showing us the sights
Mad Molly sees Monuments
Mad Molly and Mommy are Patriotic
What a cool Daddy I have!

Mad Molly goes to the Zoo

While in DC we were able to go to the National Zoo. If you haven't ever been, you should. It's wonderful and like many things in DC it's free!!!

one of Molly's favorites!

take me to more bears please!

shortly after this clip, Molly had her hands and face pressed up against the glass and a Mongoose came up and pressed his hands on the glass and kissed her .

Her Madness meets His Eminence

Yup That's right Mad Molly meets the Pope!!! Well at least saw him in his popemobile as he drove through the streets of DC. It was pretty neat to see the pope.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thank Goodness my floors are clean!!!

So my darling daughter asked so nicely for a snack this afternoon, so silly me, I said sure. Since dinner wasn't too far away I gave her a snack cup with a few cheerios in it (which in Mad Molly speak is pronounced "Sear-eee-o-s") The two of us went back into the living room. Her madness proceeds to take precisely two out and gently place them on the floor. Thinking something was up, I asked her what she was doing and she quickly grabbed a handful and tossed them onto the floor, at which point I promptly took the cup away and scolded her. As I tried to wrangle the dog out of the room so she wouldn't eat all the newly scattered treats I catch out of the corner of my eye something I just could not believe. My darling daughter was bending over and licking them up off the floor saying "hmmm, yummy" and then panting like a dog. I just can't make this stuff up!!!!

"hmmmmm, yummy"

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Doesn't she just think she is the queen!!!

So Molly has decided that her doll stroller is her new favorite seat! She watches TV in it, drinks her bottle in it, has snacks in it. She loves it.

The Best of Friends

This picture says it all!!!!