Thursday, September 24, 2009

Halloween, Oh Halloween

So recently the topic of Halloween came up with Mad Molly, who completely remembers dressing up as a bee for Halloween last year. (her recall skills are outstanding, much to my dismay). Anyway, Mad Molly briefly decides she wants to be Ming Ming Duck (her favorite character from her new top show Wonder Pets) Ming Ming for you who don't know is a 3 year old duck who wears a flying bomber hat and goggles), thankfully this request was short lived and she moved on to and has pretty much stuck with wanting to be a Butterfly! Until now.... the other day I started making a Halloween costume for my goddaughters Grace and Emma who are going to be adorable Candy Corn Witches. Mad Molly asks me what I'm doing and I tell her I'm making a Halloween costume for Grace, to which she says, I want one ... puzzled I ask her you want to be a witch like Grace? and our conversation went like this
Mad Mommy: You want to be a Witch like Grace
Mad Molly : Yup, you make me one like Grace
Mad Mommy: Ok, I'll make you a witch costume for Halloween
Mad Molly: Nope a butterfly
Mad Mommy: You want me to make you a butterfly costume
Mad Molly: Yup, just like Grace you make me one
Mad Mommy: Oh, you want mommy to make you a butterfly Costume
Mad Molly: No, you make me just like Grace
Mad Mommy: So you want to be a witch
Mad Molly: No a butterfly
Mad Mommy: you want to be a butterfly
Mad Molly: No like Grace
Mad Mommy: ?????????

if anyone can figure out a way out of this loop, please let me know because our Halloween debate (which by the way she thinks "Halloween" is a person) continues and I have no idea what she will actually be for Halloween!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why do I ask why???

This evening before getting ready for bed Mad Molly was strangely quiet and absent from the living room where she had previously been playing with Wild Man Will. Mad Mommy went looking for her and found her in the kitchen sitting on the floor, with her sock off, pulling her toes apart scratching in between her toes. The conversation went like this:
Mad Mommy: What are you doing sweetpea?
Mad Molly: I'm getting it out ...(what that "it" is, your guess is as good as mine but I continue anyway)
Mad Mommy: Why are you doing that?
Mad Molly: So I get the dirt and keep them
Mad Mommy: You are getting the dirt out of your toes and going to keep it????
Mad Molly: Yyyyeeessss I am!
Mad Mommy: Okay then!

(on a side note: she got out of the bath about a half hour before this so what dirt she is collecting from her toes is beyond me, but now that I think about it since there was no dirt this activity of looking for dirt could have occupied her for hours...darn it all I blew that one!!)

Friday, September 11, 2009


At dinner tonight, Mad Molly (dressed in an adorable red dress) proudly announces "I'm no wearing pants, pullups, panties, or nothing!" Mad Mommy "you're not wearing any panties" Mad Molly "Nope, nothing!" Mad Mommy "Thanks for sharing" and we all eat dinner!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Uh-Oh...What happened???

Last week, while playing in the backyard on an absolutely perfect afternoon Mad Molly starts jumping around saying "Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh, what happened???" "Momma, what happened?" to which I say, "I don't know Molly, what happened?" to which she replies "I don't know Momma, where did all the clouds go?" puzzled by her question, I looked up to notice a beautiful clear blue sky and realized this is probably the first time Mad Molly (who happens to LOVE clouds) has noticed that some days there are no clouds. She was much confused by this, and continues "Does Nana and Grandpa have our clouds?" To which I say "why yes, yes that is exactly where the clouds are" "Momma, can we call Grandpa and tell him to send us the clouds?" Sure Mad Molly, why not. So we do, we get Nana on the phone who promises to have Grandpa send back the clouds! What a great Nana!!! A few hours later we are out running errands and Mad Molly shouts "They're here! They're here!" "Grandpa send the clouds!" And all was right in Mad Molly's world...or so I thought ..... until she adds! "But they're not at our house yet" Ohhh Mad Molly!!!!!