Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mad Molly does a Jig

As of late, Mad Molly has found an over abundance of joy in everyday tasks that others might find mundane. Yesterday we were having lunch with her bestest friend Grace and her family before taking the girls to get haircuts. At the end of the lunch I said to Molly, "Are you ready to get a haircut?" to which she starts to do a dance in her high chair and say "Yeah, Haircut Yippee!!!!" I almost spit out my water laughing so hard. This child was genuinely excited to get a haircut. I sooo wished I had my camera, good thing her excitment about life continued today, for when I asked her if she wanted to brush her teeth..this is what I got.........

the child carried on for so long I was able to stop, get my camera and record before she was done dancing and shouting "yippee"! (incase you are not fluent in Mollyease the translation is "yeahhhhhhh, brush your teeth yipee")

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mad Molly says her prayers

Okay I know I've been slacking on the recent posts, but hey it's ain't easy with Mad Molly and Willey Will. Even though she is insane she has some sweetness to her too. We have been learning to say our prayers, and she is so proud of herself for doing the sign of the cross, I couldn't help but capture it on film...now she has become obsessed with doing it. One evening I started off the meal by saying prayers with Her Madness and then when we were finished must have said..okay now we can eat...so last night after every bite she would do the sign of the cross and say.."now I can eat" and then take a bite and do it all over again.....who is this child I ask you?!?!?!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mad Molly's back in action at St. Joe's

My apologies for not posting this sooner but last Sunday Mad Molly and Mad Mommy made a triumphant return to St. Joe's 10 am mass. I thought to myself that I was going to be proactive this week and switch my normal pew from the back left side of church to upper right. Our church has four sections of pews, two main open ended sections with an isle up the center and one additional section on either side that is open at one end, so Mad Molly goes into the pew first and Mad Mommy can sandwich her in with the wall.. Ha Ha no escaping :) These are highly popular sections of the church for families with young children as you can imagine. My thought process was that maybe if I got her closer to the front of the church she could see what was happening better and this may keep her engaged longer, as well as the exit to the hallway/bathrooms is on the right side and if I needed an escape route it would be a quicker one. So we head into the church, past the christmas giving tree (much mad molly excitement over the tree) and sneak into a pew about three rows back, behind three elderly woman and one elderly man with special needs, who became excited over the engergy that Mad Molly brings into any situation. We snuck into chruch just as Father Al was heading up the isle to the front of church to the advent wreath...luckily on our side of the church (score one for Mad Molly for switching this week) Mad Molly was intently watching Father Al as he said a few prayers, blessed the candles and proceeded to light the first candle. And this is where it all went wrong.....Upon immediately lighting the candle, he reached through the wreath, passing his hand near the candle to rearrange one of the evergreen branches near the candle to which Mad Molly screams out "NO, DON'T TOUCH, NO TOUCHING LIGHT" Much to Father Al's surprise to which he almost knocks the candle over! Not only does she scold him loud enough for the whole church to hear, all her excitement bothers the poor kind gentleman with special needs sitting in front of us who proceeds to get all excited himself. What a stir in the upper right side of church! So glad I chose this week to change my seat !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mad Molly expands her vocabulary

And the her new word is "DickyAss" yes that's right I said "Dicky Ass" and she can't get enough of saying it, she sings it, she screams it, she whispers it, why might you ask is this her new word............................................................................................................................

because at dinner last night Molly was being..well let just say she was being Mad Molly and after about 25 minutes of her antics and very little eating..using the tablecloth as a parachuette....laughing, singing, screaming...Mad Mommy had had enough and in shear desperation I put my head in my hands and say "oh this is just ridiculous" and what does Mad Molly say in response "Dicky Ass" yes that's right, her version of the word 'ridiculous' is 'Dicky Ass'! Fantastic! Now I'm even more afraid to take her into public, all I need is for her to look at someone and call them Dicky Ass!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mad Molly rocks out!

Uncle Dave was so kind as to come to visit us in the hospital with a Giant singing balloon! And if you are a faithful Mad Molly follower you already know what Molly's favorite thing to do has been ever since the balloon entered the house! So before it deflated completely I had to capture this episode on film. Enjoy!!! and Thanks again Uncle Dave!

Mad Molly becomes a big sister!!!

Introducing William Thomas or in Mad Molly speak "Baby Wheel" (aka Baby Will)

Molly is in LOVE with her new brother. She has taken on the role of a helper, or in the majority of cases...the not so helpful helper but she is trying.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Adventures of Mad Molly

Please stay tuned for more adventures of Mad Mad Molly in the upcoming month or so. Mad Mommy is officially taking a leave of absence from blogging for a little while in order to have her baby brother! I can guarantee you that there willl be many entertaining stories as our lives are rearranged and turned inside out as we welcome a new addition!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Napping or Not????

Mad Molly decided today was not a napping day, instead it was a play in my room day! After Mad Mommy deemed her supposed "nap" was over I walked upstairs and found Mad Molly standing at the baby gate in her room pointing at her window saying "Uh-oh...it broke" "It broke".....At first glance (picture 1) it looks as if her window is fine but take a closer look at pic 2, oh yeah she did break it....that's what happens when you try to hang off of your window curtain instead of napping!

Picture 1

Picture 2

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mad Molly as a dog sitter???

So last night and today Mad Molly and I dog sat for her BFF Grace's black pug Albert. Molly is in LOVE with Albert. And in Molly land that means loving him a little too much. She was super excited to have him in her house. She took him on as her pet project (no pun intended). Poor Albert, I used to think Abby deserved the gold star for patience award until yesterday. She started out being very helpful showing him around the house "Come on Albert" "see here Albert" "where did Albert go", etc. Then she started yelling at Abby for touching Albert's toys "No Abby, Albert's" and would give him a pile of her toys instead. Then as a usual sign of trouble ahead, the commentary went silent, so Mad Molly went on the hunt to find what it was she was up to now. Found her hand feeding him one piece at a time out of Abby's dish (Abby, not so thrilled! Albert in Heaven) So I thought, let's make her productive and Molly and I fed Albert his food, and Abby was very greatful for that. As I was getting dinner ready I heard a little voice say "Oh Here you Go Albert" "all Better" (as much as any toddler speak can say) and I quickly leaned over the counter to find Albert trying to drink out of his water dish all the while having his ears held up by Molly. Apparently she was concerned that his little floppy ears might get wet or something and found a way to help him. Not that his tiny little ears would have ever touched the water, but In Molly land it was a problem. I can't say that even patient Abby would have stood for that! Sorry Al!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All in the family!!!

So Mad Molly isn't the only one in the family that gets stuck in strange places....here is her cousin Brady!!! Poor little guy, got in but can't get out...I think the best part is my sister did the same thing I did...get the camera first, then get the kid out..priorities!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Catching up

I know it's been a week since I have last updated you all on life with Mad Molly, not for lack of substance to entertain you all but rather a lack of energy on my part or spare moment to enter them all in, so bare with me while I catch you up. Let's start on


Last Monday I woke up at 3:45 a.m. to a beautiful 22 month old rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I can't even describe to you how loud it was coming across the monitor. I quickly glance at the clock to see what ungodly hour it was and then click on Molly TV because I would be damned if she was up for the day at 3:45....luckily from the best I can tell she was still laying down in bed, sound asleep singing all the while, for as soon as she hit the last word of the song, it was silent yet again..what a strange child

Wednesday evening:
Lately Mad Molly has taken to implementing any stall tactic she can think of to delay bed time. This week it has been chocolate Milk. Now when I tell you I give my child a glass of chocolate milk before bedtime you must be thinking...she is a mad mommy because any sane one would not sugar up her kid to settle down, but rest assured all, that Molly calls any type of milk Chocolate Milk, her evening cup has the tiniest little drop of chocolate in it, not even enough to change the color, but to her it is the most delectable concoction she could have. This evening she screamed at the top of her lungs for an hour + over "ohhhhh yummy chocolate Milk" "pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee Momma, I neeeeeeeeeeeed yummy chocolate milk" You would think I starved this child, I was outside putting something in my car as an older woman was out walking her dog and paused to listen to what my child was screaming from her upstairs bedroom. She polietly tried to hide her chuckle, but I said, "it's okay we like to liven up the neighborhood" apprently she had a similar situation with one of her sons at bedtime so she felt my pain which eased my embarrassment. Then I went inside and closed the windows.


One would think after being up since 5am this child would be exhausted..but not so much she decides to torture the poor dog.........sorry Abby

after torturing the dog, she decides to do a fun game of hide and seek.....what is this child's obsession with buckets and bins?????

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mad Molly gives St. Joe's a break

So instead we decided to impose our havoc upon another unsuspecting church. This Sunday Mad Molly and I attended the dedication ceremony of my god daughter Emma. I purposely had not told Molly we would be seeing Emma, Auntie, Uncle Dave and Grace because I wanted a quiet ride out to their church. Upon entering the Sanctuary, Molly and Grace let out a simultaneous greeting "Oh Molly" " It's Grace", they were so excited to see each other. Luckily it was a few minutes before the service started and not many people were there yet. As the church begins to fill, Grace settles in and Molly gets revved up, on the bench, off the bench, squealing, talking, trying to color on everything. Both her Auntie and I tried to calm her several times, to no avail so I decide...you know what..I'm going to take her downstairs to the toddler care room so she could run around, play and make all the noise she wanted to. As I left the sanctuary, Grace called after her "Molly!!!" but then settled right down...Upon my return to the pew, Grace (who is all of 2) turns to me and says as she points to the back of the church "Molly didn't make it"!!!!! To which I replied "you know what kid, you are right Molly didn't make it" It took just about everything I had in me not to laugh out loud. Kids just have a way of putting things so simply and true. Grace joined Molly after her sister's dedication in the toddler room and the two were reunited again and much joy was had by all along with several goldfish crackers which was the snack of the day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

To All those at St. Joe's ....we're sorry

Exactly whose idea was it to take 3 very excited cousins of the ages of 4 and under to church together...oh that's right the 4 year olds...good thing we as adults can make choices for ourselves :) So 2 of Mad Molly's cousins came to visit her this weekend. She just absolutely adores them and the feeling is mutal. The three of them get very excited when around each other and had a fantastic time playing all weekend long. We decided that as 3 competent adults (Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Pattie) we should certainly be able to take 3 children to church with relative ease (ha ha). Thankfully mass was being held back in the sanctuary again. Apparently, if Mass is not held in the sanctuary she doesn't think that she has to behave because she was much better behaved this week and by that I mean did not have to be removed from church kicking and screaming (atleast I can hope it's the change of environment and not just the novelty of being in a new place). Now since this blog could not possibly have enough memory for me to replay how incredibly long mass seemed due to the antics of three young children who were overly excited to be together and were very silly in church, I will just amuse you all with a classic Mad Molly moment and you can use your imaginations to fill in the rest of the hour, well atleast 45 minutes because you had better believe we high tailed it out of there as soon as we could. Molly and her cousin Sean were sitting in the pew eating a snack shortly before communion, of course they insisted they needed wipes to clean their hands and it seemed harmless enough so they each got one. Sean cleaned his hands and dutifully passed it back to his mom and Molly, who is obsessed with cleaning everything under the sun, held on to hers and cleaned the pew and surrounding objects. Hoping to leave her in the pew with her father for communion and spare myself the Christ cookie dilemma, I started to stand up to join the communion line. Since her cousins were going up she was having no part of being left behind and I thought the lesser of two evils was to take her with me. So out she came and up the isle we went. Unknown to me, she still had the baby wipe in hand as we approached the area where the choir sat. They sit in folding chairs perpendicular to the pews at the front of the church so you have to pass right in front of the first row of singers in order to receive communion. All is going well until I hear from down at my waste side, "clean clean clean" "clean, clean, clean" and I look down in horror to see Mad Molly "cleaning" the knees of the first row of choir memebers as we pass them by as she sang "clean, clean, clean". With many apologizes and a quick jerk of the hand the wipe was removed and my embarrassment set back in. I should just get used to this feeling each week in church. It's inevitable!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mad Molly goes to church ch. 2

So as if last week wasn't punishment enough for Mad Mommy, off we go to church this week. Daddy opted to stay home, as he was catching up on sleep from a long week of traveling and gearing up for another trip this week. No big deal, Mad Molly was in a great mood before we left for church and was so excited to wear one of the new dresses Grandpa G bought her on his trip to FL. So off we went. On our way to church Mad Molly was asking questions about where we were going so I said, "we are going to go sing to baby Jesus" (there is a statue at church that we stop at and say hi to baby Jesus so in some way it was my attempt to get her to connect to the place we were going to) which at first seemed like a fine idea, she was happy and talking about going to church "yeah church". Great so we arrive promptly after the singing of the first hymn (oops) and much like we started our last adventure in religion, we were shifted to the fellowship hall. Ahh the echoes of a large auditorium like room. As we are walking up the ramp to enter the hall, Mad Molly spots a very nice woman with her infant daughter, to which Molly screams out, while waving wildly "Hi Baby Jesus" the mother was not amused, the older generation sitting around her got a good laugh out of it, while we hurried off to the side to grab another seat. Oh joy look another baby "Hi Baby Jesus" Mad Molly went about the hall greeting all babies as "Baby Jesus" Don't you just love when my words come back to bite me in the butt! I had to break the news to her that those babies were not all baby Jesus and man did she get mad at me....and that is where our experience began it's downfall. We found a spot off to the side, close to our escape exit in case of a Christ cookie repeat. And we quickly got settled, although it was becoming very apparent that Molly was turning as mad as can be. She would ask me to pick her up and then squirm and scream as if I forced her into my arms. She would slide to the end of the isle and try to slowly creep away, kept offering the woman behind us gold fish crackers forcibly, (needless to say she was not amused) After muddling through about half the mass trying to keep her quiet and occupied I decided it would be better to stand in the back of the hall so Mad Molly could move around a little bit and not bother anyone. Boy was that a big mistake! Molly quickly linked eyes with the handicapped ramp, and started to push the boundaries of walking up and down the ramp getting further and further away from Mommy each time. At first it was harmless, until the screaming with delight started and the throwing of Lambie from one ramp down to the next. Luckily we had made it up to communion time, now I know many of you are thinking after the Christ Cookie incident she is crazy for attempting this again, but this week I came equipped with "Christ Cookies" of my own (aka, vanilla wafers) for Molly. So up we went without incident and back we came only to have Molly started screatching with delight that she saw another "Baby Jesus" so I decide to quickly exit stage right and end our religious adventure for the week. Well as soon as Molly realizes we are leaving she begins to cry and scream "More Church, peeeeaaasse momma, More Church" over and over and over again. The child who was totally misbehaving in church is screaming...begging in fact for "more church". I tell you this child was so upset it was the very first thing she told her father walking in the house! All I kept thinking to myself was "more church, is this kid out of her mind or what"!!! I will not be surprised when tiny photographs of her appear in the back to the rectory with the notice "don't let this kid in"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mad Molly gets stuck yet again!!!

Ohhh Mad Mad Molly what have you done now??? Yesterday I was preparing lunch in the kitchen when from behind me I hear, "help me" "momma" in the most pathetic little pip squeak of a voice that she could muster up. I turned around to find Mad Molly stuck in yet another bucket!!! What is with her and buckets. I was going to post this yesterday but the night got away from me and didn't have a chance to and good thing I didn't because the same situation appeared tonight and the two video's say it all. Now you may think at first glance it's the same day because she brought the bucket to the same exact spot as yesterday, but I promise I didn't just go and change her outfit and make her do it again :), that's too much work for Mad Mommy! :) Enjoy

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mad Molly vs. the Eucharistic Minister

The members of our congregation must truly dread it when the Johnston's arrive for mass. Today Mad Molly and I arrive at church only to find that service had been moved to the fellowship hall due to some renovations in the sanctuary. Now most of you must be thinking okay no big deal, been there done that at some point in life, but as the mother of Mad Molly all I could think was "oh great, it echoes in there"! And the AC was broken, so it was hot as blazes in there to boot. So I carefully scope out a seat off to the side, in a back corner with an easy exit/escape route should the situation warrant it and mass begins. So far so good, moving along pretty nicely, Mad Molly is trying to participate in mass by singing "La La la La" every time a song is played. Can't blame the kid for trying, she loves music but doesn't know the words. When it came time to wish peace to those around us, the lovely woman in front of us say "peace be with you, and you little one, I just love your little voice" (now that could be taken one of two ways: 1) she enjoyed the sweet sounds of a little one chirping away in church commenting on every bit that was going on ORRRRRR 2) man you kid never stops talking) but I choose to think it was the first for sanities sake. After all this was a pretty quiet day for mad Molly so far. That is until it came time for communion. Mimicking everything the little boy at the end of our row was doing Mad Molly insisted on being carried. So fine I carry her up the communion line. Three people away from the minister, Molly wants to get down and walk, finally some relief for me and a free hand to take communion, great!!! She begins her twirling in circles as I nudge her forward to the front of the line. When finally it's my turn and the minister bestows upon me the body of Christ, Well doesn't Mad Molly stomp her foot and Yell at the top of her lungs "My cookie?" "Cookie Molly" I try to nudge her to the side as if to say, pay no mind to the tantruming child at my side, I borrowed her, but I don't think he bought it. As the demanding for a cookie continued. The look on the poor Eucharistic Ministers face was one of disbelief (does she really think the body of Christ is a cookie?) (why yes minister sir, she does, she is Mad Molly don't you know) And thus the meltdown begins. He asks me what to say to her, I shyly say "oh just ignore her, she'll be fine" as her insistence upon a cookie gets louder and more dramatic. To which Mad Mommy needs to step into action, scoop her up and take her out our escape route kicking and screaming because there was no Christ cookie for Mad Molly!!!!!!! One just can not make this stuff up!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mad Molly is a future gymnast!

Let me paint the picture for you...Mad Molly wakes up from her very short nap and wants out of her room to come "cuual Momma" (cuddle with Mommy) on the couch. Mommy was catching up on some Tivo'ed Olympic Gymnastics. Mad Molly was totally totally fascinated by gymnastics. She was cheering and clapping when they were finished with their routines. It started with the floor routines and by the time they got to the vault she was captivated. All of a sudden she hopped off of the couch and started practicing what I can only imagine was gymnastic moves in her little mind. Then when I thought it couldn't get any better one of the USA gymnasts stuck a wonderful landing on the vault and Mad Molly must have thought "wow I had better start practicing now if I am to be that good" and off she went to practice her landings. What gets even better about this video is mid practice she saw her time out corner which must have reminded her of something she did earlier today that she did not get in trouble for and sent herself to time out. If you listen carefully beyond the noise of my neighbor cutting his grass you can actually hear her say "go to the corner" and "No hitting" as she sits down. And as you can see by her response to my question to her...every thing is in one ear and out the other. And people wonder why I say she is crazy!!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mad Molly gets really mad!!!!!

This is what happens when you are playing around when you are supposed to be napping. Once again Mad Mommy hears the desperate pleas of Mad Molly as she lays in her pack and play calling for "help me" "Momma" "help" and this is what I found..... Mad Molly with her shirt stuck around her neck and she can't get it un stuck!!! Oh Mad mad Molly!!!!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mad Molly vs. Naptime

So after almost 3 hours of "napping" in her room, or more accurately saying tearing her room apart, getting caught behind the diaper champ, Mad Mommy coming in to declare it's nap time, looking out the window, climbing on her night stand, jumping on her bed, rocking in her mommy's glider singing Rock a bye baby to herself, and Mad Mommy just about to give up on this supposed Nap time, I decided to check in on Molly TV, the last viewing was a snap shot of the Lullaby in the glider, and I notice two little feet hanging off of the end of the rocker (due to the angle of the camera, I can't see all of the glider on the monitor screen). I snuck into Mad Molly's Mess of a room and found this. I guess all that playing around and her own singing Rock a bye Baby wore her out. So now it's Naptime for Mad worn out Mommy!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mad Molly sense of fashion!!!

going about our evening just fine, for the first time she ate a whole piece of pizza (excellent belly is full for a long nights sleep) she was all dressed for bed with her PJ's on and overnight diaper secure (excellent again..less to wrestle with in the bedroom), and we are heading to her bedroom for a few night time stories and the indepth routine that has become her night time ritual of saying good night to everything that possibly moves in our house (mommy, daddy, Abby, the dead fish, etc) and saying good night includes a hug and a kiss for everyone (I'll leave you with the image of the dead fish to figure out). As we are heading down the hall all of a sudden the little rug rat takes off in the opposite direction exclaiming "oh no..where is it?" (in her best Mad Molly every other syllable way) and this is what she appears in her bedroom door with saying "ok, night night time"

and let me tell you, it was a losing battle to get it away from her...so the score is now even!!!! that is how she went to bed...although Mad Mommy got the last laugh watching her on Molly TV trying to figure out how to lay down with her hat staying on her pillow!!!!! Now all I can say is where is her feather bowwa and her outfit is complete...for those of you who are new to Mad Molly here is a pic from her pre blog days.....enjoy...I love these two pics!!! She was crazy from the get go!!!

Mad Molly talks back

So we are driving in the car the other day and Mad Molly takes it upon herself to start screaming at the top of her lungs..just to hear herself scream. I kid you not...so Mad Mommy says to her "Molly, if you want to go see Auntie, Grace, Emma and Albert.... (because heaven forbid we forget to include their dog in the list of people who will be there...that is totally against mad molly rules of etiquette) ...you need a quiet voice" Well no sooner do I finish my sentence does this little pip squeak of a voice pipe up with "are you kiddin' me?"..................and so it begins..my words come to haunt me. I know I totally say that when she does something crazy or beyond comprehension or beyond what is normally physically possible for a 20 month old but for Mad Molly nothing is impossible and here she is throwing it back in my face. Oh the next phase of life should be interesting!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mad Molly and the trash

As it happens a million times a day, when Mad Molly found a piece of lint she just had to put in the trash I thought nothing of it when she toddled off towards the kitchen. However, after a few moments of silence my Mommy trouble meter was in high alert and I called after Molly, "Molly, what are you doing?". To which I hear in response "ummm, yummy breakfast". Being completely puzzled as I was I had to go investigate, to which I find Mad Molly eating a left over pancake out of the garbage can in the kitchen going "ummm, yummy breakfast". To which Mad Mommy said "EWWWW, yucky pancake". Mad Molly was very sad the pancake ended but was more than pleased with herself when she told Daddy she had yummy breakfast!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mad Molly goes strawberry picking

Nana and Grandma Terri were up visiting so we thought a trip to the strawberry patch with our Best Bud Grace was in order. The girls loved it the first time they went with a bunch of friends and clearly the second time was just as big of a hit!

Mad Molly meets herself

Nana, Molly and I are driving in the car the other day when Mad Molly notices the infant car seat mirror that used to hang over the back of the seat so I could see her. It's in the shape of a dog. So I handed it to her so she could play with it. Well was she ever fascinated with seeing herself in the mirror. As you can imagine lots of giggles and laughter from the backseat. Lots of saying "Hi" to herself in the mirror....then all of a sudden I hear her "High Five, High Five, Yeah High Five" I happen to glance over my shoulder (at a red light of course ;) ) and catch her High Fiving herself in the mirror and then cheering herself on.....needless to say, self esteem soo not an issue with my child!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mad Molly gets creative

The other day I bought Mad Molly some new toys because I thought she was getting bored
with her toys (truth be told I was bored with them too) Well anyway, I found these really cool soft bristle blocks from Parents magazine that also came in this cool new bucket. I sat with her to play with them and she didn't really know what to do with them....I guess she found a better use for them than I had intended!!!

Mad Molly's ready

Daddy mentioned that it was time to get ready to go in the pool. Someone took that to mean strip in the kitchen and waste no time!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mad Molly meets the Lion!

Mad Molly recently attended her first church tag sale and was lucky enough to come home with not one but Two Lions. She loves them and her favorite thing to do is line one up and then ride the other one over and make them "kiss". She cracks me up! Enjoy the summer fun!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mad Mommy vs. the Binki

Mad Molly is truly mad at her Mommy today! The binki has found it's rightful place for naptime/betime only started today! Our morning started off fine enough with a few morning TV shows and cuddling on the bed and then off she went to stand in front of her dresser, mourning the captivity of her binki's in a wonderfully decorated Jar on top of her dresser. There she stood calling for them "oh Binki where are you" and then she would reply "oh there binki" "Momma Binki Pleeeeeaaaassseee". It will be a very sad long day for Mad Molly and Mad Mommy!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mad Molly goes to Daycare

Well atleast for the day she did. Molly goes with her Daddy sometimes to work, they have a back up daycare place associated with their office which is wonderful, we are really lucky to have this option from time to time. My husband reported that she had a wonderful day and everyone said how much they enjoy having Molly around. However, being a preschool teacher I knew by reading her daily report what kind of child she is at daycare. I shall share her report with you and I'm sure you will get the picture. The report starts as follows:

Molly's friends all fed off her engergy! (translation: your kid was bouncing off the walls)
The children all made a point that Molly is a lot of fun to play with! (translation: your kid got everyone else ralled up today, thanks)
Molly and two other girls would continually say, "hi" to one another while playing (translation: really annoying, thanks again)
Molly liked bathing the dolls in the sensory table and also trying to tast the water on her hands! (Translation: your kids is weird)
Molly did a super job at clean up, (translation: atleast you have done something right with this kid)
and we look forward to seeing her again! (translation: not anytime soon please)

Now my husband would prefer not to read between the lines and see her as having a wonderful time at daycare, which I'm sure she did, but that is fine I'll let him believe such delusions, but to all you daycare teachers out there....my hats off to you!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mad Molly and the shoes

Because it was such a picture perfect Memorial Day, Tom, Molly and I decided to have a picnic lunch in the backyard. So Tom took off his socks and shoes to lounge out on the grass for a while. Well, Miss Molly decided to try them on for size. Although she got the socks and shoes on she couldn't quite figure out the tying the laces part :) Enjoy!!!
okay, I've got the socks and one shoe on...,
...now for these laces.....

hmmm, that didn't work out the way I wanted it to!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mad Molly evens the Score

Mad Molly = 1
Mad Mommy = 1

So Mad Molly was up super early this morning, so I put her in her room for a nap a bit on the early side since she sooooo needed to nap. After about 1hour, all was quiet in until I heard Molly screaming "I stuck I stuck" so I went flying in her room only to find this
yup...that's right, she is stuck in her draw! She pulled everything out of her draw and was stuck inside of it. Oh Calgon...take me away!!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mad Molly vs. the Bed

Ahh the woos of being a toddler, so two nights ago I heard a loud thump in the middle of the night. I switched on "Molly TV" aka the video monitor to see what was going on. Apparently Miss Molly had fallen out of her toddler bed (sounds worse than it is, it's only about 6 or 7 inches off the floor) the funny part about it is that she slept through the whole thing. What a killer!

Last night I was abruptly woken up at 5am to Miss Molly screaming. No time to tune in to Molly ch 5, I ran into her room assuming the worst from a scream like that considering she slept through the falling off the bed the night before so this had to be way worse. I was astounded to find her sitting up in the middle of her room crying. Odd, very odd. I scooped her up and she settled right down, put her back in bed and she went back to sleep. Strange, very very strange. One only knows what tonight will bring!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mad Molly Soooo Sweet!

10 minutes after I put Molly down for an afternoon nap, I thought it strange that I hadn't heard Mad Molly pulling any antics so I peaked in on her and this is what I found. She had put her lambie on her box of blocks and went to sleep.

Mad Molly tooo Cute!

Mad Molly and her BFF Grace are too cute watching Mary Poppins!!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mad Molly vs. Mad Mommy

The score now stands as
Mad Molly and her insane bedtime antics = 0
Mad Mommy and her bedtime routine = 1
Total Game time: 1 hrs 45 minutes
Game Over...Mommy wins

(Toddler Bed time antics include but were not limited to: jumping on the bed, hanging upside down off the edge of bed, climbing on top of night stand, hanging from shades, climbing on rocker, rolling on floor, kicking baby gate cleverly keeping said toddler in her room, throwing things out of room, singing, kissing and hugging all stuffed animals, laughing, calling mad mommy by first name, etc, etc, etc.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mad Molly vs. The Toddler Bed

After many recent attempts at climbing out of our crib and many many many episodes of getting her legs caught in her crib, we broke down and made the decision that she had to go into a toddler bed, she is just too small not to get hurt climbing out of her bed. Thankfully today was the day it arrived since I caught her balancing on the top rail of her crib this afternoon instead of napping. So tonight after two crying fits, two sessions of Mommy carrying her back to her bed to go back to sleep, one baby gate to keep her in her room, one Mommy meltdown (thank you to a dear friend for talking me off the ledge) and 45 minutes of sticking it out, we have success. Mad Molly has given in and is enjoying the peace of the toddler bed experience.

hmm, this is cool, I can get down by myself
Wait a minute....now we're talking serious stuff here, Lambie has arrived, what's going on here????
Ahh the bed (and Mommy) have finally won!!!!!!!!!!

Mad Molly vs. the Potty

so we got Mad Molly a potty since she has shown such and interest in it at Grace's house. However in our house it is just a vehicle for her to put toys in and push around the house, currently she is ticked because the potty doesn't fit under the bookshelf..what can I do with that???? She's a nut

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mad Molly Moves Catch on!!!

So the other day Mad Molly is dinning on lunch with her BFF Grace. Grace leans way across the table and motions for Molly to give her a high five. Molly happily smacks hands and says "five". In all her excitment of the high five, Molly didn't even notice Grace reach down and swipe her french fries on the way back across the table to sit down. Many props to Grace, that's a mad molly move if I ever saw one!!!! I suppose it's payback for all the times Molly has taken toys from Grace.

Mad Molly goes to Washington DC

We've been gone for a few days on a business trip with Daddy to Washington DC. Molly had a fantastic time. I'm not sure DC will be the same after Molly and the Pope visit at the same time!!!
Here are some of our favorite pictures.
She's a seasoned flyer now!!!
The 1st thing she did was take over the bed
Thanks Uncle Rob for showing us the sights
Mad Molly sees Monuments
Mad Molly and Mommy are Patriotic
What a cool Daddy I have!

Mad Molly goes to the Zoo

While in DC we were able to go to the National Zoo. If you haven't ever been, you should. It's wonderful and like many things in DC it's free!!!

one of Molly's favorites!

take me to more bears please!

shortly after this clip, Molly had her hands and face pressed up against the glass and a Mongoose came up and pressed his hands on the glass and kissed her .

Her Madness meets His Eminence

Yup That's right Mad Molly meets the Pope!!! Well at least saw him in his popemobile as he drove through the streets of DC. It was pretty neat to see the pope.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thank Goodness my floors are clean!!!

So my darling daughter asked so nicely for a snack this afternoon, so silly me, I said sure. Since dinner wasn't too far away I gave her a snack cup with a few cheerios in it (which in Mad Molly speak is pronounced "Sear-eee-o-s") The two of us went back into the living room. Her madness proceeds to take precisely two out and gently place them on the floor. Thinking something was up, I asked her what she was doing and she quickly grabbed a handful and tossed them onto the floor, at which point I promptly took the cup away and scolded her. As I tried to wrangle the dog out of the room so she wouldn't eat all the newly scattered treats I catch out of the corner of my eye something I just could not believe. My darling daughter was bending over and licking them up off the floor saying "hmmm, yummy" and then panting like a dog. I just can't make this stuff up!!!!

"hmmmmm, yummy"

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Doesn't she just think she is the queen!!!

So Molly has decided that her doll stroller is her new favorite seat! She watches TV in it, drinks her bottle in it, has snacks in it. She loves it.

The Best of Friends

This picture says it all!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It just looks like an ordinary bunch of balloons, but nothing is ordinary when it comes to my daughter.....

Thank you Aunt Pattie for sending my Daddy such fun balloons!!!! I love them!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day

Molly had a great St. Patrick's Day, her new baby cousin Brady was up visiting for the weekend
and she loved giving him kisses on the head!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Erin Go Braugh

The Irish Princess Molly Rose is loving her new crown. She even sat through dinner with it on last night. Tonight she wore it out when we went to the Chinese food restaurant. She even tried to take it to bed with her. Who knew she would love it sooo much. Her daddy also recently taught her to say Erin Go Braugh...which she loves to say!