Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh what fun!

As I mentioned earlier, Molly and I took a trip to NY to spread her craziness equally amongst the family. She loved playing with her cousins everyday, especially in the snow. Sean and Molly (showing "fixing" the snowman") have discovered they like to try to outdo each other in a screaming match, that was great fun for all adults around. Now, I know my dear child can reach those ear piercing notes, but who knew my nephew could too....must be a family trait.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I love babies

I know you haven't heard from Mad Molly in a few days but it wasn't for lack of entertainment, she was busy unleashing her Madness on her cousins in New York. We have recently discovered that Molly LOVES babies. She could not take her eyes off of her new cousin Brady. She even tried to move him over and climb into his chair with him. I wish I got that on video. But sadly just lots and lots of stalking and whispering "baby". Welcome Brady to the family!!!!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Poor Poor Abby

Our poor dog, has definitely lost her place in the family as the center of our attention. Now not only does she stand in line for attention behind Molly and the new fish, she has become Molly's favorite form of entertainment. This evening, while making dinner I was listening to Molly have a grand old time in the living room. So I decided to sneak a peak on her fun only to find Molly standing with a drum stick in one hand, her Easter hat in the other, drumming on the dog's head who has already been dressed up in a heart necklace. Poor Poor Abby!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Modern Day Holly Hobby!

Why is it when this hat fit her little head she would have nothing to do with it, but now that it's too small she insists upon having it on her head???? And it's my fault that it doesn't stay on????

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm in trouble with this one

Earlier I was doing laundry and had not yet finished folding our white wash yet. Apparently Molly decided it was her duty to help me out, as she wandered into the living room with a piece of my underwear on her head. If the picture wasn't so embarrassing to me I would post it but you are just going to have to use your imagination for that one. Then the little stinker tried to run away when I jumped up and said "Molly, give that back to Mommy". With a little giggle she took off into the kitchen. Has she not caught on to the fact that no matter how many times she runs away I always catch her.

I just love this picture

Molly has taken a liking to a particular whisk at her BFF's house and always seems to find it when we are there. This child will walk all around their house with it. It amazes me what she can do with a whisk in her hand. Well a few weeks ago, when she was having a tough time with her stomach and then going to the ER for some fluids because she was sick, her sweet Uncle Dave came over with a surprise for her.....her very own kids whisk. Well I think this picture says it all, she loves her whisk and a day doesn't go by without her carrying it around while she plays. Thanks Uncle Dave!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Princess has spoken


I guess Molly has decided it's about time she adds her input to the blog

Oh sooo happy

Because she has been such a trooper, Daddy bought Mad Molly a fish. Now it is her new favorite obsession. I think the dog is a little envious for two reasons: (1) The fish is getting all of the attention and (2) the fish has a tank in which it is protect from Mad Molly

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What does she do in there????

So yesterday, my husband went to get Mad Molly from her crib and I hear him ask her "what do you do in here and how do you do it?" Naturally I had to go find out what was going on in there....I enter to find that one end of her crib is away from the wall a good foot, so it's sticking out into the room on a diagonal (certainly not how she went down for a nap) My best guess is that she since has been sticking her feet through the crib slats a lot lately, I am thinking she used her feet to push her crib away from the wall, since her crib has wheels! This after she previously moved her pillow from one end of the crib to the other, turned it sideways and layed on top of her blankets and pillow to go to sleep. If only my naps were so much fun!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day!!! After a long day of GI procedures, Molly was relaxing at home, styling with her hospital Pj's and heart necklaces.

Oh what a day!!!!

Molly would like to take this moment to Thank Massachusetts General Hospital for her new pajama pants, and her daddy for sacrificing his boots for a little 14 month old fun!!!

You're small, but not that small

I'm going to have to back post this's been one heck of a week! Yesterday I headed into the living room to find Mad Molly trying to stuff herself into her ride on toy. She kept telling me "Stuck, Stuck, (h)elp me, Stuck". To which I said "No, Baby you don't fit inside your toys." To which she furrowed her eyebrows at me and walked away! What a pip!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Did she sprout super long arms???

So last night, Miss Molly wanders into the living room with my dish washing gloves from the kitchen sink. Now, I ask you how can my darling little sprout who is not even 20 inches tall reach my gloves from the kitchen sink that is over 36 inches tall?....okay, I must admit she is 29 inches tall, not 20 inches as my sleep deprived state would like to believe..but still she is super amazing the things she can reach. Mostly to drive me crazy I am sure. but I love her to pieces!!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Where, Oh Where is my Binki

I didn't see much of Mad Molly yet today, she had a day out with Daddy, while Mommy had a wonderful lunch with some lady friends. But I will tell you that upon her waking up this morning, my husband went in to her room to give her a bottle in a desperate attempt to squeeze another 1/2 hour of sleep out of her. While I listened to him settle her back down, I heard her ask for her Binki..."binki, binki, binki"...He found our back up stash and gave her a pacifier. The one she went to bed with last night is usually never found come morning. However, guess what I found when I unzipped her PJ's this morning to change her....You've guessed it her binki. That's right, all the way down by her knees was her binki from last night. What a Killer!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Warning!!! Never give a 14 month old who loves cats a shirt with a cat on it, you might never hear the end of it. Turn your speakers up and enjoy (they are really short clips).
8am....okay so she is fascinated by the long could that last. (sorry for the sideways view, but you get the point...I haven't figured out my new camera yet...the other ones are straight..I promise)
12:00pm - covering it up obviously didn't help
6:00pm - will it ever end!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This post is brought to you by the word "NO" and the number 3

Today was a particularly rainy day. Molly woke up before 7am and by 9 I was already tired of hearing the word "No"....on most days it's me saying No but today it was all Miss Molly. She walked around the house screaming "No, No, No". No to the wall, No to the floor and most of all No to the dog, poor Abby dog. I have no idea what terrible offenses she believes they bestowed upon her but she was mad mad mad...and that is how our day began. Shortly after her No ranting she turned her attention to me and decided I was a horrible person for daring to fold the laundry in front of her. For every piece I folded, two were thrown across the room with a declaring "NO"! Now I have to agree with her on this one, for I do hate the wash but it is a necessary evil. Currently she is chasing the dog down with her beloved doll stroller. Which I can guarantee any and all readers there will be more tales of her stroller wars to come, but for now that magical hour I like to call Night Night is upon us and peace may come to my house shortly! Yeah!!!

No rest for this little bean

Apparently this is what she does when she is supposed to be napping!!!

Let's back track a bit

A few weeks ago, Molly was left to fend for herself for all of 45 seconds while I attended to some necessary things. This is what I found when I located her by her tremendous laughter in the kitchen...who knew we even had Dixie cups.