Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mad Molly does Magic!

Truly the title should read Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace do magic because she was not alone in her first attempt to perform magic but more about that later... for now.. let me set the stage for you! Towards the end of a birthday barbeque for Mad Molly's Auntie, pajamas had been put on and good byes are being said before a car ride back home and bed time. Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace are out on the newly redone back deck saying their good nights to Grandma Terri and Grandpa Gene when all of a sudden two super excited bouncing little girls come bounding into the living room and in their best toddler excited speak tell me to come with them to see the magic surprise and in my best Mad Mommy thinking I grab the camera along the way and here you go!


Apparently while Mad Mommy was inside gathering all scattered belongings, Mad Molly and Gleeful Grace was outside and stumbled upon a piece of cardboard which they pushed down between the floor boards of the porch. Grand Uncle Grant went under the porch to retrieve said piece of cardboard when up above he heard talks of "magic" and said cardboard only if he had made it back up on top of the deck to see the magic happen.....hmmm I wonder where that Grand Uncle Grant wondered off to! I guess it's a good thing we recorded it so he wouldn't miss out ;) Thanks to Grand Uncle Grant and Grandpa Gene for such magical memories!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mad Molly Goes Green

So recently we returned back from a week on Long Island visiting family. And Mad Mommy felt the kids and I needed a whole day to spend at home and readjust to home routines. Wild Man Will took full advantage of this day to take long lazy naps and enjoying his crib leaving Mad Mommy and Mad Molly plenty of one on one time together....sometimes too much time together, but that is a story for another time....we spent our morning gardening and replanting some flowers, of which Mad Molly decided to re replant the the flowers we just replanted. Fun Fun! Thankfully her Auntie Shel suggested Mad Molly would love a "garden" all her own! To which I thought BRILLANT!!! Let the fun begin! We first busted out some paints and she painted her very own pot! Then we took a little trip to the nursery or "flower farm" as Mad Molly refers to it and picked out some plants to add to her "garden" Then we came home and planted them. Next and certainly not least Mad Molly watered them......and watered them....and watered them! They will certainly not lack moisture!!!! Now we will sit back and wait. I will chronicle for your Mad Molly's adventures as she enters into the world of gardening this summer! Mad Molly loves her garden and is eager to see what color the fruits of her labor will be!

Mad Mommy gets caught up

So you are all going to have to forgive me, but it's been a crazy crazy few months around here, sickness has plagued our house along with the every day insanity of life with two children..So I'm playing catch up today! First I would like to share a little story with you from last week. Mad Molly has recently had an interest in wearing pull ups (not that she is using the potty) she just likes wearing the pull ups and Mad Mommy is OK with that since I'm all done with the WAR that is the changing of the diaper. So Independent Mad Molly was successfully putting her pull up on by herself, I watched her to make sure she had it on the right way and was able to pull it up most of the way, so after I determined she was good I left the room, only to hear grunts of distress and frustration from Mad Molly. I look back into the living room, where she is putting on her pull up to see her bent over, looking at her pull up, tugging at the front of it saying "oh No Help Me, they upside down they upside down" It gave me a good laugh and I discovered it's impossible to explain to a 2 year old that it's not the characters that are upside but she that is looking at them upside down!