Well atleast for the day she did. Molly goes with her Daddy sometimes to work, they have a back up daycare place associated with their office which is wonderful, we are really lucky to have this option from time to time. My husband reported that she had a wonderful day and everyone said how much they enjoy having Molly around. However, being a preschool teacher I knew by reading her daily report what kind of child she is at daycare. I shall share her report with you and I'm sure you will get the picture. The report starts as follows:
Molly's friends all fed off her engergy! (translation: your kid was bouncing off the walls)
The children all made a point that Molly is a lot of fun to play with! (translation: your kid got everyone else ralled up today, thanks)
Molly and two other girls would continually say, "hi" to one another while playing (translation: really annoying, thanks again)
Molly liked bathing the dolls in the sensory table and also trying to tast the water on her hands! (Translation: your kids is weird)
Molly did a super job at clean up, (translation: atleast you have done something right with this kid)
and we look forward to seeing her again! (translation: not anytime soon please)
Now my husband would prefer not to read between the lines and see her as having a wonderful time at daycare, which I'm sure she did, but that is fine I'll let him believe such delusions, but to all you daycare teachers out there....my hats off to you!!!!
Happy Birthday, Emma Faith!
6 hours ago