Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mad Molly gets stuck yet again!!!

Ohhh Mad Mad Molly what have you done now??? Yesterday I was preparing lunch in the kitchen when from behind me I hear, "help me" "momma" in the most pathetic little pip squeak of a voice that she could muster up. I turned around to find Mad Molly stuck in yet another bucket!!! What is with her and buckets. I was going to post this yesterday but the night got away from me and didn't have a chance to and good thing I didn't because the same situation appeared tonight and the two video's say it all. Now you may think at first glance it's the same day because she brought the bucket to the same exact spot as yesterday, but I promise I didn't just go and change her outfit and make her do it again :), that's too much work for Mad Mommy! :) Enjoy

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