Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh what fun!

As I mentioned earlier, Molly and I took a trip to NY to spread her craziness equally amongst the family. She loved playing with her cousins everyday, especially in the snow. Sean and Molly (showing "fixing" the snowman") have discovered they like to try to outdo each other in a screaming match, that was great fun for all adults around. Now, I know my dear child can reach those ear piercing notes, but who knew my nephew could too....must be a family trait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time when Molly visited, come back soon.

HOWEVER, all I can say is that Sean didn't used to screech at the top of his lungs all day, that is, until he spent three days with Molly, now I need to invest in Tylenol! oiy!

Love ya,