Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why do I ask why???

This evening before getting ready for bed Mad Molly was strangely quiet and absent from the living room where she had previously been playing with Wild Man Will. Mad Mommy went looking for her and found her in the kitchen sitting on the floor, with her sock off, pulling her toes apart scratching in between her toes. The conversation went like this:
Mad Mommy: What are you doing sweetpea?
Mad Molly: I'm getting it out ...(what that "it" is, your guess is as good as mine but I continue anyway)
Mad Mommy: Why are you doing that?
Mad Molly: So I get the dirt and keep them
Mad Mommy: You are getting the dirt out of your toes and going to keep it????
Mad Molly: Yyyyeeessss I am!
Mad Mommy: Okay then!

(on a side note: she got out of the bath about a half hour before this so what dirt she is collecting from her toes is beyond me, but now that I think about it since there was no dirt this activity of looking for dirt could have occupied her for hours...darn it all I blew that one!!)

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